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All you need to know about Shorthandly

  • What is Stenography?
    It is a writing skill (called Shorthand) that uses strokes and curves to make words and sentences quickly which reduces time and enhances speed while writing. The skill can be learned and mastered with hours and hours of dedicated practise.
  • Is it hard to learn Shorthand?
    When learning a new skill everthing often seems daunting and challenging, but with consistent and robust efforts anything can be mastered. Learning the skill of Shorthand is no different, with consistency and perseverance this skill too can be conquered eventually making the skill easy as time and hard work is devoted towards it.
  • What is Shorthandly?
    It is an online platform for learning Stenography online and becoming master at Shorthand.
  • I'm a Beginner, where should I start?"
    If you are a beginner, you can check out Start Learning section.
  • How can i make sure I get updates from Shorthandly in future?
    You can subscribe Youtube Channel and turn on the notifications. Also you can follow Shorthandly on Facebook
  • This platform has helped me alot, how can i support Shorthandly?
    If you feel that Shorthandly has helped you in what you were pursuing, you support it here
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